11 May 2023
PENDAHULUAN Di dalam bab ini akan dibahas mengenai alat navigasi dari yang paling konvensional dan penting di kapal hingga yang paling modern yang digunakan untuk menentukan arah di laut, yaitu Pedoman Magnit dan Pedoman Gyro.Tujuan kami menyusun bahan ajar mengenai Pedoman Magnit dan Pedoman Gyro ini ialah agar para pembaca pada umumnya dan Para …
11 May 2023
SOLAS 1974 . Safety Of Life At Sea ( SOLAS 1974) Consolidated 2010. Didalam Konvensi Internasional SOLAS 1974 pada bab V tentang Safety Navigation , Peraturan 19, diatur beberapa ketentuan yang berkaitan dengan Carriage requirements for shipborne navigational systems and equipment “antara lain sebagai berikut: Semua kapal berapapun ukurannya yang berlayar diperairan Internasional, wajib …
11 May 2023
Rev 05 17.05.20Latihan-Tugas Rangkuman, Test formatif, Umpan – balikSoal soal latihan Menimbal Kompas Magnit dan Gyro CompassANT – II-K P1 G11 22 BP3IPPERTEMUAN KE – 1 : (10 Pertanyaan )BAB – I Dasar Hukum Penggunaan Pedoman Magnit Di Atas Kapal : 01. AGUS AJI PAMBUDI 1. Ketentuan yang mengatur keharusan kapal – kapal dilengkapidengan …
11 May 2023
My courses UADN2 UAD, Kamis 6 Agustus 2020 Soal UAD ANT IIPenentuan PosisiStarted on Thursday, 6 August 2020, 8:00 AMState FinishedCompleted on Thursday, 6 August 2020, 8:59 AMTime taken 58 mins 33 secsMarks 27.00/30.00Grade 9.00 out of 10.00 (90%) 2. The positions of the ship provided by the GPS should always …
11 May 2023
My courses UADN2 UAD, Senin 10 Agustus 2020 Soal UAD ANT II Kepemimpinan Etos Kerja dan Manajerial Started on Monday, 10 August 2020, 10:31 AM State Finished Completed on Monday, 10 August 2020, 10:43 AM Time taken 11 mins 57 secs Marks 30.00/30.00 Grade 10.00 out of …
11 May 2023
Nilai 9.33 dari 30 soal1. Kombinasi antara komputer analog dan digital disebut :b. Komputer hybrid2. Kalkulator yang mengandung teknologi tinggi dan disebut sebagai komputer sakuadalah :b. Komputer digital3. Komputer yang biasa dipakai manusia dalam kehidupan sehari-hari adalah :c. Komputer digital4. Penggunaan komputer sebagai alat pembelajaran dikenal sebagai :a. Computer assisted instruction5. Otaknya komputer disebut …
11 May 2023
Soal : 1) Faktor apa saja yang mempengaruhi katabatic wind semakin kencang. Jelaskan !2) Pada tgl 10 Agustus jam 14.00 WIB, sebuah kapal akan bersandar di pelabuhan Makasar. a. Tentukan arah dan kecepatan dari local windb. Tentukan arah dan tinggi sea wave yang dialami. 3) Pada tgl 10 Januari jam 14.00 WIB, sebuah kapal …
11 May 2023
01. Local wind is caused by differences in :a. Temperatureb. Densityc. Pressured. HumidityJawab A. Temperature 02. The maximum sea breeze is most likely to occur in Indonesia between :a. and 03.00 Local Time.b. 12.00 and 14.00 Local Timec. 05.00 and 07.00 Local Timed. 17.00 and 19.00 Local TimeJawab B 12.00 and 14.00 Local Time …
10 May 2023
My courses UADN2 UAD, Kamis 6 Agustus 2020 Soal UAD ANT IIPenentuan PosisiStarted on Thursday, 6 August 2020, 8:00 AMState FinishedCompleted on Thursday, 6 August 2020, 8:59 AMTime taken 58 mins 33 secsMarks 27.00/30.00Grade 9.00 out of 10.00 (90%) 2. The positions of the ship provided by the GPS should always be …
10 May 2023
PERHITUNGAN FO C1 P/S Max Vol x Vol %/100 = 3759,01 x 90,5/100 = 3759,02 x 0,905 = 3.401,90 BS MUAT = t/m3 x { BS – ( DC X ( Temp – SG } = 0,8843 X { 1 – ( 0,00075 X ( 23 – 15 } = 0,8843 X { …
11 May 2023 193 views
What is “cargo plan”. When applied to a ships A discussion between the shore and ship to plan the procedure for loading cargo Notices to marine _________ carefully and regularly to avoid grounding Should be studied Wreck sand rock are not easily _________ by the signal Detected To help the preparations to leave the …
11 May 2023 132 views
PLAN A VOYAGE AND CONDUCT NAVIGATION Publications containing information on Naval Control of Shipping (NCS) in times of emergency or war are ? 117, Radio Navigational Aids In determining the characteristics of the lamp which is the main light or an offshore buoy when passing at night, what is? Any of the above …
11 May 2023 129 views
COORDINATE SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERATION Rescue boat must be able to be lowered at a speed of ship? Up to 5 kn Mention the causes of oil spill in the sea that can cause marine pollution by oil tanker ship All answer are correct In what format will an On scene Coordinator report such …
10 Jul 2024 126 views
1. What is WMS? Work Management System It is a Safety Tool that the Work is Properly Controlled, Coordinated and Communicated (3C) 2. What are the Modules of WMS? PTW (Permit to Work) JSA (Job Safety Analist) EI (Energy Isolation) TD (Temporary Depeat) SIMOPS (Simultanous Operations) 3. What are the Life Saving Rules (At least …
01 Apr 2023 119 views
Pilotage A1/4.1 Pilot request See AI/6 – .4.3 “Pilot request” A1/4.2 Embarking / disembarking pilot 1 Stand by pilot ladder. 2 Rig the pilot ladder on port side / starboard side/leeside … metres above water. 3 The pilot ladder is rigged on port side / starboard side. 4 You must rig another pilot ladder 5 The pilot ladder is …