14 May 2023
Materi Pertemuan 21INS & IBS A. Sistem Navigasi Terpadu = Integrated Navigation System (INS) 10.1.Pendahuluan Konsep Dasar : Konsep dasar Integrated Navigation System (Sistem Navigasi Terpadu ) di anjungan adalah suatu konsep sistem terintegrasi ynang mengambil input /masukan dari berbagai sensor dari perangkat di atas kapal yang menampilkan informasi posisi secara eleltronik dan memberikan sinyal …
11 May 2023
Institution Name BP3IP Jakarta Date –Assessor Name MUDAHIR Code Item –Study Program 1) DP II PENINGKATANType of Test 2) Multiple Choice Competence/Subject KEPEDULIAN LlNGKUNGAN Bloom Taxonomy 3) C1,C2,C3Level of Competences 4) A N T IINAUTIKA Criteria 5) Difficult/Medium/EasyStandard of Competence A II/2Question 1. What is the Convention for Prevention of PollutionFrom ships :a. Solas …
11 May 2023
Marks 47.00/49.00Grade 9.59 out of 10.00 (96%) 13. To maintain good relationship among the crew on board a vessel, one must be:Select one:a. Polite and diplomatic while talking to crew membersb. Strict and authoritative while giving ordersc. Give authority to othersd. Understanding, Co-operative, and have respect from both sides 09. Onboard training should be …
11 May 2023
Prosedur Pemuatan Minyak Sebelum mengadakan pemindahan minyak apakah untuk bunker atau pemuatan di kapal tanker harus diadakan perencanaan yang baik termask briefing terhadap ABK yang akan terlibat dalam tugas tersebut I. Pertama Mualim I membuat Stowage plan dan Ballast sequencenya, sehingga kita dapat menentukan SF, BM dan GMnya dalam setiap sequencenya. Setelah Stowage plan …
11 May 2023
PLAN A VOYAGE AND CONDUCT NAVIGATION Publications containing information on Naval Control of Shipping (NCS) in times of emergency or war are ? 117, Radio Navigational Aids In determining the characteristics of the lamp which is the main light or an offshore buoy when passing at night, what is? Any of the above …
11 May 2023
COORDINATE SEARCH AND RESCUE OPERATION Rescue boat must be able to be lowered at a speed of ship? Up to 5 kn Mention the causes of oil spill in the sea that can cause marine pollution by oil tanker ship All answer are correct In what format will an On scene Coordinator report such …
11 May 2023
Bagian ini akan menjadi sesi tanya jawab, menggunakan model, papan magnetik dan situasi real-time berbasis komputer atau simulator. Trainee harus sudah benar-benar memahami COLREGS dan aplikasinya, jadi sesi ini akan menjadi keperluan revisi dan konsolidasi. Jawaban “panggil Nakhoda” tentu saja tidak lagi tersedia bagi mereka. Perhatian peserta pelatihan harus diarahkan pada kasus tubrukan dan …
11 May 2023
My courses UADN2 UAD, Kamis 6 Agustus 2020 Soal UAD ANT II Kompas Magnit dan Gryro Started on Thursday, 6 August 2020, 9:11 AM State Finished Completed on Thursday, 6 August 2020, 9:43 AM Time taken 32 mins 8 secs Marks 30.00/30.00 Grade 10.00 out of 10.00 (100%) …
11 May 2023
Perwira Jaga mampu menunjukkan pengetahuan menyeluruh tentang isi, aplikasi dan maksud dari P2TL 1972 sebagaimana telah diubah (amandemen). Sebagai Perwira Jaga saat bernavigasi tentunya dituntut untuk dapat mengambil tindakan-tindakan yang sesuai dengan aturan-aturan yang ada, sehingga segala sesuatunya dapat dipertanggungjawabkan dalam mengambil keputusan. Peraturan Internasional Pencegahan Tubrukan di Laut 1972 telah mengatur segala sesuatunya …
11 May 2023
Lampu, sosok benda, dan sinyal suara yang harus ditunjukkan atau dibuat oleh kapal itu sendiri dalam situasi apa pun Pada saat melaksanakan tugas Jaga Navigasi ketika kapal melakukan pelayaran para Perwira Jaga harus senantiasa dalam kewaspadaan sehingga dapat mengartikan dan mendengar dengan baik setiap sinyalsuara yang terdengar untuk kemudian dapat mengambil tindakan yang sesuai …
10 Jul 2024
1. Introduce yourself briefly and what is the main role/Responsibility as PA/JP PA: Performing Authority needs to provide a clear and adequate description of the work to be carried out with sufficient detail, and ensure that Permit Request is complete with up-to-date. JSA covering full work scope ALARP attached to the Permit. JP: Job Performer …
10 Jul 2024
1. What is WMS? Work Management System It is a Safety Tool that the Work is Properly Controlled, Coordinated and Communicated (3C) 2. What are the Modules of WMS? PTW (Permit to Work) JSA (Job Safety Analist) EI (Energy Isolation) TD (Temporary Depeat) SIMOPS (Simultanous Operations) 3. What are the Life Saving Rules (At least …
10 Jul 2024
WMS Exam questions and answers ADNOC, WMS EXAM·Jun 24, 2024 Work Management system (WMS) PERMIT TO WORK ASSESSMENT BOOKLET Insrtuctions This assessment shell be completed individually as part of the WMS Permit To Work Training Fill in Name, Company, Designatioan & Date In BLOCK LETTERA! ON THE COVER SHEET The assessment contain 55 Questions …
11 Jun 2023
SOAL-SOAL UKP GELOMBANG 10 YANG TIDAK KELUAR DI KISI – KISI UKP 1. Where is the located of West Wind Drift a. In the South Pacific near 5°S b. In the North Atlantic between Greenland and Europe c. Near 60°S d. On each side of the Equatorial Current e. Oh I don’t know. 2. …
14 May 2023
Materi Pertemuan 21INS & IBS A. Sistem Navigasi Terpadu = Integrated Navigation System (INS) 10.1.Pendahuluan Konsep Dasar : Konsep dasar Integrated Navigation System (Sistem Navigasi Terpadu ) di anjungan adalah suatu konsep sistem terintegrasi ynang mengambil input /masukan dari berbagai sensor dari perangkat di atas kapal yang menampilkan informasi posisi secara eleltronik dan memberikan sinyal …
11 May 2023 139 views
What is “cargo plan”. When applied to a ships A discussion between the shore and ship to plan the procedure for loading cargo Notices to marine _________ carefully and regularly to avoid grounding Should be studied Wreck sand rock are not easily _________ by the signal Detected To help the preparations to leave the …
01 Apr 2023 102 views
Pilotage A1/4.1 Pilot request See AI/6 – .4.3 “Pilot request” A1/4.2 Embarking / disembarking pilot 1 Stand by pilot ladder. 2 Rig the pilot ladder on port side / starboard side/leeside … metres above water. 3 The pilot ladder is rigged on port side / starboard side. 4 You must rig another pilot ladder 5 The pilot ladder is …
10 Jul 2024 93 views
1. What is WMS? Work Management System It is a Safety Tool that the Work is Properly Controlled, Coordinated and Communicated (3C) 2. What are the Modules of WMS? PTW (Permit to Work) JSA (Job Safety Analist) EI (Energy Isolation) TD (Temporary Depeat) SIMOPS (Simultanous Operations) 3. What are the Life Saving Rules (At least …
11 May 2023 89 views
PLAN A VOYAGE AND CONDUCT NAVIGATION Publications containing information on Naval Control of Shipping (NCS) in times of emergency or war are ? 117, Radio Navigational Aids In determining the characteristics of the lamp which is the main light or an offshore buoy when passing at night, what is? Any of the above …
10 May 2023 83 views
Navigation Introduction By navigation is understood any act or procedure that will ensure the sapety of passangers and crew, vessel and cargo during a voyage from a point of departure to a destination. This safety is greatly determind by good seamanship. And since good seamanship refer to The Human Factor (HF). It is obvious that …