Inggris maritim
1. A: “Repeat”is used when a message or part of a message has not been clearly understood|
B: “Say again”is used when an important messageor part of a message is repeated
A. A and B are both right
B. A and B are both wrong
C. A is right
D. B is right
2. “Mistake…..correction”is used …
A. when the receiving party has made a mistake.
B. when the transmitting party has made a mistake.
C. when both parties have made a mistake.
D. when neither parties has Made a mistake.
3, Fire has been located in no. 2 hold .
The cargo is on fire ; smoke is not poisonous
A. “Number- 2 hord on fire ; cargo is burning ; smoke not poisonous ”
B. “Number- 2 hord and cargo burning ; smoke not toxic ”
C. “Fire is in number – 2 hord ; cargo on fire ; smoke not harmful”
D. “Fire is in number – 2 hord ; cargo on fire ; smoke not toxic ”
4. Fire onboard.Vessel is un manoeuvrable
A. “I am not under command”
B. “I am a hampered vessel”
C. “I am obstructed in my manoeuvrability”
D. “I am manoeuvring with difficulty”
5. Water is entering the vessel below the water line
A. “I am leaking water ”
B. “I am flooding below water line”.
C. “Water is coming into the Vessel”
D. “Water is entering the vessel below water line”
6. Vessel is un ableto continue her voyage. Tug assistance is needed
A. “I am not under command; tug-assistance is required”
B. “I am unmanoeuverable; I need tug – assistance”
C. “I am unmanoeuverable; tug-assistance is needed”
D. “I am not under command; I require tug – assistance”
7. Vessel has had a collision with MV Garland
A.“There has been acollision with MV Garland”
B. “I have collided with MV Garland.”
C. ”My vessel and MV Garland had a collision.”
D. ”My vessel has had a collision with MV Garland.”
8. Vessel is aground in position…..8 containers will be put overboard
A. “I am aground in position….; I will jettison eight containers”
B. “Vessel has been grounded in position…..; I will jettison eight containers”
C. “I went aground in position …..; I want to jettison eight containers”
D. “Vessel is on the ground in position …; I will jettison eight containers”
9. Vessel is being attacked by pirates
A. “Vessel is being attacked by pirates”
B. “Pirates are attacking My vessel ”
C. “Pirate-attack on My vessel !”
D. ”I am under attack of pirates”
10. Message from RCC : helicopter will arrive in position of vessel indistress within one hour
A. “ETA vessel in distress within one hour from now”
B. “ETA distress position in one hour from now”
C. “ETA vessel in distress in one hour”
D. “ETA distress position within one hour”
11. Vessel advises other traffic to remain at a safe distance
A. “Advice : all vessels – stay clear”
B. “Advice : all vessels – keep distance”
C. “Advice : all vessels – give a clear berth”
D. “Advice : all vessels – keep clear”
12. Traffic must proceed carefully
A. “You must proceed with care”.
B. “You must navigate carefully”
C. “You must navigate with caution”
D. “You must proceed carefully”
13. We have reduced visibility due to fog
A. “Visibility restricted by fog”
B. “Visibilityi ncreased by fog”
C. “Visibility getting worse by fog.
D. “Visibility limited by fog”
14. Buoy Foxtrot Lima – 1 in position bearing 3 cables North of break water has disappeared
A. “Buoy Foxtrot Lima – 1 in position bearing 3 cables North of break water missing”
B. “Buoy Foxtrot Lima – 1 in position bearing 3 cables North of breakwater off station”
C. “Buoy Foxtrot Lima – 1 in position bearing 3 cables North of breakwater no longer there”
D. “Buoy Foxtrot Lima – 1 in position bearing 3 cables North of breakwater disappeared”
15. Vessel requires pilotage in position……
A. “ I need pilot service – my position:……”
B. “I request pilot service – my position:……”
C. “I want pilot service – my position:……”
D. “I require pilot service – my position:…….”
16. Vessel is given permission to navigate on her own
A. “Information : you have permission to proceed by yourself”
B. “Information : you may navigate on your own”
C. “Information : you are allowed to proceed by yourself”
D. “Information : you may proceed on your own”
17. Pilot boat is approaching . Boarding speed forpilot is 6 knots.
A. “Information: pilot boat getting closer to your vessel. Make boarding speed of six knots”
B. “Information: pilot boat approaching your vessel. Make boardings peed of six knots”
C. “Information: pilot boat approaching your vessel. You must proceed at six knots for
D. “Information: pilot boat getting closer to your vessel. You must proceed at six knotsf or
18. MV Christina is on her way from one berth to another
A. “Information: MV Christina is under way to another berth”
B. “Information: MV Christina underway to a different berth”
C. “Information: MV Christina proceeding to her designated berth”
D. “Information: MV Christina is shifting berth”
19. MV inpositon.West of Bond pier isc hanging her course to the North
A. “Information: vessel W of Bond pier turning to the North”
B. “Information: vessel W of Bond pier turning to the North”
C. “Information: vessel W of Bond pier altering course to the North”
D. “Information: vessel W of Bond pier alternating course to the North”
20. Route from road stead to entrance temporarily not to be used
A. “Information: route from road stead to entrance diverted”
B. “Information: route from road stead to entrance temporarily dis used ”
C. “Information: route from road stead to entrance suspended”
D. “Information: route from road stead to entrance discontinued”
21. Danger!
Vessel is on acollision course with vessel to the W of her!
A. “Warning: danger of collision with vessel to the West of you”
B. “Warning: you are at risk of collision with vessel to the West of you”
C. “Warning: you are running into danger. Risk of collision with vessel to the West of you”
D. “Warning: you are running into risk of collision with vessel to the West of you”
22. Vessel is advised to drop her anchors in another position
A. “Advice: you must drop anchors in other position”
B. “Advice: you must anchor in different position”
C. “Advice: you are allowed to let go anchors in differen tposition”
D. “Advice: you may anchor in other position”
23. Anchor is loose from the ground; there are 3 shackles left to come in
A. “Anchor is a weigh; 3 shackles left”
B. “Anchor is clear of water ; 3 shackles left”
C. “Anchor is a weigh; 3 more shackles to come in”
D. “Anchor is clear; 3 shackles left”
24. Cast off the headline: give some slack in the headline and heave it onboard
A. “Let go headline: slack away headline – heave away headline”
B. “Let go headline: heave away headline – slack away headline”
C. “Let go headline: slacken headline – heav eon headline”
D. “Let go headline: slack on headline -heave on headline”
25. Fasten the lines forward and aft; keep tensionon the springs
A. “Fasten fore and aft; keep tension on springs”
B. “Make fast fore anda ft; keep the springs tight”
C. “Make fast fore and aft; keep tension on springs”
D. “Fast enfore and aft; keep the spring stight”
26. Yesterday we visited the theatre and ….. a play by Shakespeare
A. watch
B. watched
C. have watched
D. watching
27. You….for hours now, and yous till haven’t convinced me!
A. talked
B. has talked
C. aretalking
D. have been talking
28. The vessel ahead of us …. too fast; we must execute an emergency stop! .
A. approached
B. approaches
C. has approached
D. isapproaching
29. Have you seen my keys? I …. them.
A. lose
B. am losing
C. have lost
D. have been losing
30. While I was checking the hatch cover, the ship….
A. grounds
B. is grounding
C. grounded
D. has grounded
31. These waters………..1.5 m at High Neap tide.
A. is rising
B. rise
C. rises
D. risen
32. They…………the cargo ,so the vessel was ready for departure.
A. had discharged
B. discharge
C. have discharged
D. are discharging
33. These second mate was in the chartroom – he….the chart with the crew.
A. plots
B. has plotted
C. isplotting
D. was plotting
34. The third mate had made a serious steering error. That was the reason why the vessel
A. run
B. runs
C. ran
D. has run
35. They have given us permission to enter the channel that …….. into the harbour.
A. leads
B. leading
C. lead
D. led
36.It was bitterly cold; the temperature….. to minus 12 degrees C.
A. dropped
B. drops
C. dropping
D. has dropped
37.They….. the cargo , so we are departing any minute now.
A. loaded
B. load
C. loading
D. have loaded
38.They….the cargo to the wrong pier before, so we could not sail out according to schedule.
B. have delivered
C. are delivering
D. had delivered
39.We………. nothing from him for 3 weeks now, so we are abit worried. .
A. hear
B. have heard
C. heard
D. arehearing
40.Since yesterday the oil spill…… .along the entire coast; the beaches are closed for tourists.
A. spreads
B. has spread
C. had spread
D. is spreading
41. While we were trying to open the drum, the liquid immediately…. spontaneously.
A. ignited
B. ignites
C. was igniting
D. has ignited
42. The radio operator…. are ceived mayday to the vessel in distress after adistress alert is received.
A. transmit
B. transmits
C. is transmitting
D. has transmitted
43. We……..these tools now, so you can’t take them.
A. use
B. used
C. are using
D. were using
44. The hatches have been secured and now we……… the anchors.
A. heaved
B. are heaving
C. have heaved
D. heave
45. They….the hatches; we can depart now.
A. securing
B. secured
C. secure
D. haves ecured
46. I………it the day before yesterday.
A. have received
B. receive
C. am receiving
D. received
47. Last month I………. eriously ill. I had a flu.
A. was
B. am
C. have been
D. were
48. The vessel ran aground and the entire crew immediately……… her assoon as possible.
A. abandon
B. have abandoned
C. abandoned
D. abandons
49. The mate who always…..the Bill of Lading is not on the bridge at themoment.
A. signing
B. signed
C. signs
D. sign
50. These tools…. frequently since we bought them last month.
A. have been used
B. are used
C. were used
D. is used
11 May 2023
Institution Name BP3IP Jakarta Date –Assessor Name MUDAHIR Code Item –Study Program 1) DP II PENINGKATANType of Test 2) Multiple Choice Competence/Subject KEPEDULIAN LlNGKUNGAN Bloom Taxonomy 3) C1,C2,C3Level of Competences 4) A N T IINAUTIKA Criteria 5) Difficult/Medium/EasyStandard of Competence A II/2Question 1. What is the Convention for Prevention of PollutionFrom ships :a. Solas …
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PLAN A VOYAGE AND CONDUCT NAVIGATION Publications containing information on Naval Control of Shipping (NCS) in times of emergency or war are ? 117, Radio Navigational Aids In determining the characteristics of the lamp which is the main light or an offshore buoy when passing at night, what is? Any of the above …
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My courses UADN2 UAD, Kamis 6 Agustus 2020 Soal UAD ANT IIPenentuan PosisiStarted on Thursday, 6 August 2020, 8:00 AMState FinishedCompleted on Thursday, 6 August 2020, 8:59 AMTime taken 58 mins 33 secsMarks 27.00/30.00Grade 9.00 out of 10.00 (90%) 2. The positions of the ship provided by the GPS should always …
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